I recently uploaded some of my photos here. Since some of the pictures mean a lot for me, I did not want to share them without a copyright notice included in the picture files. However, seemingly every way to do that, kind of ruined the presentation of the photos. What I finally came up with, was the idea to have a small copyright bar at the bottom of the picture file, then using css/javascript to hide this bar when showing the picture. If you go to my photos and download them, the bar will always be included, but it does not show up anywhere on the homepage.

The slideshow script I am using is the original lightbox script from Lokesh Dhakar.

First, add the following two blocks to the css file (lightbox.css):

/_we use this to crop away 20px at the bottom of each picture
to hide the copyright information that we burn in there_/
overflow: hidden;

.lightbox img{
/_we use this to crop away 20px at the bottom of each picture
to hide the copyright information that we burn in there_/
margin-bottom: -20px;

Basically the image in the slideshow will be moved downwards, out of the outer container which will hide the overflowing content.

However, the problem is, that this will destroy the alignment of the pictures in the slideshow. To amend this, we modify the javascript component of the lightbox script and simply diminish the calculated picture height by 20px.

In the file lightbox.js, look for the following line:

self.sizeContainer($image.width(), $image.height());

and change it

self.sizeContainer($image.width(), $image.height()-22);

for a 22px high copyright notice. Alternatively if you use one of the minimal versions (e.g. one combined with jquery), you need to do the analogue change to get the line


Now, we only need to actually create such a copyright notice for the pictures. Luckily this can be done quite easily with ImageMagick. The following is the relevant part from my corresponding script:

# note: Rotation only performed in exif, so we need to really rotate the portraits!

# -strip: strip metadata

if [["${orientation}" == "landscape"]]; then
convert "${file}" -strip -resize "${maxsize}" -gravity South -background Black -fill White -splice 0x22 -pointsize 18 -annotate +0+2 "${copyright}" "${new_name}"
elif [["${orientation}" == "portrait"]]; then
convert "${file}" -strip -rotate -90 -resize "${maxsize}" -gravity South -background Black -fill White -splice 0x22 -pointsize 18 -annotate +0+2 "${copyright}" "${new_name}"

Note that this also resizes the pictures and strips metadata. It also rotates the picture, if the rotation was only marked as an exif attribute (this would not be recognized by the lightbox script).